Brisbane Catholic Education Policies

As a system school under the administration of Brisbane Catholic Education, the following Brisbane Catholic Education Policies and processes are implemented by the school:

Our vision and Catholic values call on us to safeguard those vulnerable to abuse and exploitation so they may engage in a successful and positive education and faith experience. Auspiced by the Archdiocese of Brisbane Safeguarding Framework , the BCE Safeguarding Policy outlines Brisbane Catholic Education’s approach to safeguarding students, and adults-at-risk, from abuse and exploitation. The policy applies to all employees, clergy, religious, contractors and volunteers that engage with BCE offices or schools.

Learn more about Safeguarding here.

Student protection and wellbeing are paramount in Catholic Schools. Our commitment to the protection of students is based in our belief that each person is made in the image of God, and our ethos is to provide a safe and supportive environment for all. All students have the right to expect that the school will always act to protect them from any kind of harm.

These processes have been developed to ensure that appropriate responses are made whenever student protection concerns come to the attention of staff.

Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) is committed to ensuring that all staff comply with their responsibilities as detailed in the Student Protection Processes Catholic Education Archdiocese of Brisbane (BCE Student Protection Processes).

This complaints procedure is to address allegations of non-compliance with BCE Student Protection Processes in accordance with the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Regulation 2017. BCE takes all allegations of non-compliance with BCE Student Protection Processes seriously.

The purpose of this form is to capture the details of a complaint regarding non-compliance with BCE Student Protection Processes. Complaints about other matters must be made following the Student, Parent and Guardian Complaints Management process.

BCE is committed to supporting and training our volunteers and other personnel who deliver services in our schools. The online training and registration form must be completed, and the registration form supplied to the Principal of each school in which volunteering is undertaken.

The Code of Conduct for Parents and Visitors clarifies and affirms the standards of behaviour that are expected by Brisbane Catholic Education. It aims to support the resolution of issues which arise in the context of our workplace, whilst upholding BCE's mission, vision and values.

The purpose of this Policy is to outline the requirements for regulating acceptable use of Brisbane Catholic Education’s information systems and resources.

The Privacy Policy applies to all schools administered by BCE and BCE Offices (BCEO), and sets out how each school and BCEO collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information.

The Policy includes information about how to address any concerns regarding compliance with the policy.

The purpose of this policy is to outline the principles Brisbane Catholic Education employees will follow when managing a complaint from a student, parent or guardian.
