Laudato Si' - with the subtitle On Care For Our Common House is an inspirational letter from Pope Francis, that calls us to examine our hearts, transform our social values and take action for global solidarity. The encyclical captures the interconnectedness of social, economic and environment justice in building and protecting Our Common Home.
It highlights the 'intimate relationship between the poor and the fragility of the planet'. Protecting the planet requires an integrated approach to combatting poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature.
Prayer to Care for Our Common Home
Father of all,
Creator and ruler of the universe,
You entrusted your world to us as a gift.
Help us to care for it and all people,
that we may live in right relationship -
with You,
with ourselves,
with one another,
and with creation.
Christ our Lord,
both divine and human,
You lived among us and died for our sins.
Help us to imitate your love for the human family
by recognising that we are all connected
to our brothers and sisters around the world,
to those in poverty impacted by environmental devastation,
and to future generations.
Holy Spirit,
giver of wisdom and love,
You breathe life in us and guide us.
Help us to live according to your vision,
stirring to action the hearts of all
individuals and families,
communities of faith,
and civil and political leaders.
Triune God, help us to hear the cry of those in poverty, and the cry of the earth, so that we may together care for our common home.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in response to Laudato Si'